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Eliminate stubborn weeds and ensure a healthier garden with our SuperShield Herbicides. With a superior formula that penetrates roots and leaves of unwanted plants, this product guarantees a perennially clean, green lawn. Designed for all-season use, it's suited to tackling a wide range of common garden pests. At a concentrated potency, it provides thorough coverage in minimum 100-word areas of your garden by simply mixing it with the recommended amount of water. Manufactured for use in a professional or home setting, the SuperShield Herbicides is user-friendly, environmentally responsible and highly effective. Make it your first choice for fighting weed invasion and maintaining a lush green landscape.


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Champion 2 4 D Herbicide, 100ml - 5 Liter
Champion 2 4 D Herbicide, 100ml - 5 Liter


Spec: 100ml - 5 liter, BOTTLE, 3 yr, Liquid


Champion 2 4 D Herbicide, 100ml - 5 Liter
Champion 2 4 D Herbicide, 100ml - 5 Liter


Spec: 100ml - 5 liter, BOTTLE, 3 yr, Liquid


Champion 2 4 D Herbicide, 100ml - 5 Liter
Champion 2 4 D Herbicide, 100ml - 5 Liter


Spec: 100ml - 5 liter, BOTTLE, 3 yr, Liquid


Champion 2 4 D Herbicide, 100ml - 5 Liter
Champion 2 4 D Herbicide, 100ml - 5 Liter


Spec: 100ml - 5 liter, BOTTLE, 3 yr, Liquid


UPL Herbicide, Imazethapyr 10 Sl, 1 Ltr
UPL Herbicide, Imazethapyr 10 Sl, 1 Ltr

1100.00 /Litre

Spec: 1 ltr, bottle, Liquid

sanjay brothers, Thane, Maharashtra

Patela Herbicide, Bottle, 1 Litre
Patela Herbicide, Bottle, 1 Litre

1350.00 /Litre

Spec: 1 litre, bottle, Liquid

sanjay brothers, Thane, Maharashtra

Questions For Herbicides

What are the related categories of the Herbicides?

The following Herbicides consists of a range of various types of categories. Having a unique specification and usability, these categories are familiarized with efficacy and structural advancement. With a suitable and oriented work process, the related categories come under the same Herbicides are:

  1. Dicalcium Phosphate
  2. Tea Plucking Machine
  3. Agar Agar
  4. Guar Gum
  5. Gellan Gum

Does AAJJO is the best platform to buy Herbicides?

Yes, AAJJO is the perfect place to buy the Herbicides because we are a platform having a dexterous knowledge about the advancement of the products and also have a range of highly acknowledged manufacturers, sellers, suppliers, and distributors of Herbicides, working dedicatedly to deliver the best and most optimized services.
With a helpful structure of work mechanism, we are focused on obtaining the best and most familiar environment for purchasing quality Herbicides in India.

How to get the detailed specification of the Herbicides products?

To get a brief on the specification of the Herbicides, please click on the listed products along with the particular product listing at the Aajjo site. Here you can access all the brief specifications in a standard order. Furthermore, if you want to know the Herbicides, please click the “request callback” button on the product page, and fill up the quotation form pop-up on your screen. After that, Herbicides sellers or manufacturers will revert you with your queries and clarify all your doubts to make your purchase easy and feasible.

How to order the Herbicides in my city?

To order a Herbicides, one has to click on the product one is willing to buy. On the product page, a specific button is mentioned on the Herbicides detail page called “Request callback”. After clicking the button, a pop-up window with a form named “Ask the seller” will open. Just fill up your contact details, name, and order details about Herbicides and submit the form or you can call the sellers, allotted to you, according to your requirements on the screen.

What types of products come under the Herbicides category?

A range of products comes under the category of Herbicides. The Herbicides is known for its quality usability; thus, all the products follow the same work mechanism or play a vital role in its usability. So, a list of products arranged in the Herbicides category is as follows:

  1. Sinochem Machete
  2. Dekel Adama Herbicide, Bottle, 100 ml
  3. Insecticides
  4. Niprot Bio Pesticide

Where to buy Herbicides products online?

A range of quality sellers deals in the Herbicides online in India. But, if you are seeking a trustful platform, we at AAJJO are one of the most preferable. We provide a range of various sellers for a particular Herbicides product, and hence, ease users to find the most feasible deal according to their requirements. Also, we are a client-centric organization; thus, all provided deals on Herbicides are the best in the market and completely authentic.

Featured Chart

Top Manufacturer / Seller / Suppliers / Importers of Herbicides

Various manufacturers/sellers/suppliers/importers of the Herbicides are available in India. Some of the leading ones are mentioned below:

Price List of Herbicides in India

The price range of the Herbicides may vary according to the brands, specifications, accessories, and modifications. But, a range of prices offered by the top brands is mentioned in the table:

Sinochem Machete ₹470.00/Kilogram
Dekel Adama Herbicide, Bottle, 100 ml ₹245.00
Insecticides ₹200.00/Kilogram
Niprot Bio Pesticide ₹470.00

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