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Solar LED Bulb

Introducing our Solar LED Bulb, the perfect energy-efficient lighting solution for your outdoor spaces. Designed to harness the power of sunlight, this bulb is equipped with a high-quality solar panel that efficiently converts solar energy into electricity. With its long-lasting battery and built-in light sensor, this bulb automatically turns on at dusk and off at dawn, providing reliable illumination throughout the night. Crafted with durability in mind, this lightweight bulb is made from premium materials, ensuring its longevity even in harsh weather conditions. Say goodbye to expensive electricity bills and embrace eco-friendly lighting with our Solar LED Bulb.


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Solar Mini Home Lighting Kit with 2 LED Bulbs (3W each)
Solar Mini Home Lighting Kit with 2 LED Bulbs (3W each)


Brand: Solar Universe India
Spec: Solar Mini Home Lighting Kit with 2 LED Bulbs (3W each)

Success Impex Private Limited, Delhi

Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces
Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces


Brand: Solar Universe India
Spec: Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces

Success Impex Private Limited, Delhi

Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch
Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch


Brand: Solar Universe India
Spec: Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch

Success Impex Private Limited, Delhi

Solar Mini Home Lighting Kit with 2 LED Bulbs (3W each)
Solar Mini Home Lighting Kit with 2 LED Bulbs (3W each)


Brand: Solar Universe India
Spec: Solar Mini Home Lighting Kit with 2 LED Bulbs (3W each)

Success Impex Private Limited, Delhi

Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces
Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces


Brand: Solar Universe India
Spec: Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces

Success Impex Private Limited, Delhi

Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch
Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch


Brand: Solar Universe India
Spec: Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch

Success Impex Private Limited, Delhi

Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces
Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces


Brand: Solar Universe India
Spec: Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces

Success Impex Private Limited, Delhi

Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch
Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch


Brand: Solar Universe India
Spec: Solar Universe India - 9W DC 12V LED Bulb - Set of Two Pieces with Wire & Switch

Success Impex Private Limited, Delhi

Solar LED Bulb Prices, Manufacturers & Sellers in India

What are the related categories of Solar LED Bulb?

AAJJO offers various categories related to Solar LED Bulb, including

  1. Osram Light Bulb
  2. Fiber Optic Light
  3. CFL Bulbs
  4. Peripheral Light
  5. Induction Lights

What types of products are included in the Solar LED Bulb category?

The Solar LED Bulb category offers high-quality, functional products. Here’s a list of some of the products in this category:

  1. Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces
  2. PSAW LED Solar Bulb, For Laboratory

Is AAJJO the best platform to buy Solar LED Bulb?

Answer: Yes, AAJJO is a great place to buy Solar LED Bulb in (State). We connect you with top manufacturers, sellers, and suppliers, offering high-quality products.

How can I get the detailed specifications of Solar LED Bulb?

To view Solar LED Bulb specifications, click on the product listings on the AAJJO site. You can also request a callback and sellers will contact you to answer your queries.

How do I order Solar LED Bulb?

Select the product you want to buy, click "Request callback," fill in your details, and submit the form. The Solar LED Bulb seller will contact you to complete your order.

Top Solar LED Bulb Brands in India?

There are several brands for Solar LED Bulb in India. Some top brands include:

Top Solar LED Bulb Manufacturer, Seller, Suppliers, and wholesaler in India

Top Manufacturer, Seller, Suppliers, and wholesaler of the Solar LED Bulb are available in India. Some of the leading ones are mentioned below:

Price Range of Solar LED Bulb in India

The cost of Solar LED Bulb varies by brand, features, and design. Below are price examples from top companies:

Solar Universe India DC LED Bulb 5W 12V with Wire & Switch for DC Home Lighting Systems & 12V Batteries - Set of Two Pieces ₹515.00
PSAW LED Solar Bulb, For Laboratory ₹590.00

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