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Borewell Camera

Our Borewell Camera is the perfect solution for inspecting wells and boreholes with ease and precision. With its high-resolution camera and long-lasting battery, you can capture clear images and videos in even the tightest spaces. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to accurate results with our Borewell Camera.Dive deep into the depths of underground wells with our Borewell Camera. Whether you're a professional inspector or a curious homeowner, this camera will provide you with crystal-clear visuals of what lies beneath. Don't let unseen blockages or damages go unnoticed - invest in our Borewell Camera today and see for yourself!Are you tired of struggling to see inside your borewells and shafts? Our Borewell Camera is here to save the day. Equipped with advanced technology and a user-friendly interface, this camera allows you to navigate through narrow pipes and capture detailed images with ease. Discover the hidden world beneath the surface with our reliable Borewell Camera.


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Spec: Power supply AC 110V to AC230V, DC12~24V, 1280*720 resolution, AERICA ENGINEERING, View angle 120 Degree

Aerica Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Hd Borewell Camera Waterproof Inspection, 1.3mp Pixel
Hd Borewell Camera Waterproof Inspection, 1.3mp Pixel


Spec: 12 V, 720 x 1080p, PRO, 120 Degree

PRO ENGINEERS, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Waterproof Ip68 Underwater Borewell Pipeline Inspection Video Camera, 1.3 Mp
Waterproof Ip68 Underwater Borewell Pipeline Inspection Video Camera, 1.3 Mp


Spec: power supply AC 110V-240V or DC 12V, 720 x 1080p, PRO, Pan 360 Degree rotate endless View angle 120 Degree

PRO ENGINEERS, Mumbai, Maharashtra



Spec: Power supply AC 110V to AC230V, DC12~24V, 1280*720 resolution, AERICA ENGINEERING, View angle 120 Degree

Aerica Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Hd Borewell Camera Waterproof Inspection, 1.3mp Pixel
Hd Borewell Camera Waterproof Inspection, 1.3mp Pixel


Spec: 12 V, 720 x 1080p, PRO, 120 Degree

PRO ENGINEERS, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Waterproof Ip68 Underwater Borewell Pipeline Inspection Video Camera, 1.3 Mp
Waterproof Ip68 Underwater Borewell Pipeline Inspection Video Camera, 1.3 Mp


Spec: power supply AC 110V-240V or DC 12V, 720 x 1080p, PRO, Pan 360 Degree rotate endless View angle 120 Degree

PRO ENGINEERS, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Hd Borewell Camera Waterproof Inspection, 1.3mp Pixel
Hd Borewell Camera Waterproof Inspection, 1.3mp Pixel


Spec: 12 V, 720 x 1080p, PRO, 120 Degree

PRO ENGINEERS, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Waterproof Ip68 Underwater Borewell Pipeline Inspection Video Camera, 1.3 Mp
Waterproof Ip68 Underwater Borewell Pipeline Inspection Video Camera, 1.3 Mp


Spec: power supply AC 110V-240V or DC 12V, 720 x 1080p, PRO, Pan 360 Degree rotate endless View angle 120 Degree

PRO ENGINEERS, Mumbai, Maharashtra

BOREWELL Inspection Underwater Light
BOREWELL Inspection Underwater Light


Spec: Battery, PRO Engineers

PRO ENGINEERS, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Borewell Camera Prices, Manufacturers & Sellers in India

What are the related categories of Borewell Camera?

AAJJO offers various categories related to Borewell Camera, including

  1. Mobile Phone
  2. Computer Power Cable
  3. HDMI Cable
  4. VGA Cable
  5. Photo Booth

What types of products are included in the Borewell Camera category?

The Borewell Camera category offers high-quality, functional products. Here’s a list of some of the products in this category:

  1. Bore & Deep Well Inspection Camera
  2. AER-I11-D10-BSC-2C63

Is AAJJO the best platform to buy Borewell Camera?

Answer: Yes, AAJJO is a great place to buy Borewell Camera in (State). We connect you with top manufacturers, sellers, and suppliers, offering high-quality products.

How can I get the detailed specifications of Borewell Camera?

To view Borewell Camera specifications, click on the product listings on the AAJJO site. You can also request a callback and sellers will contact you to answer your queries.

How do I order Borewell Camera?

Select the product you want to buy, click "Request callback," fill in your details, and submit the form. The Borewell Camera seller will contact you to complete your order.

Top Borewell Camera Manufacturer, Seller, Suppliers, and wholesaler in India

Top Manufacturer, Seller, Suppliers, and wholesaler of the Borewell Camera are available in India. Some of the leading ones are mentioned below:

Price Range of Borewell Camera in India

The cost of Borewell Camera varies by brand, features, and design. Below are price examples from top companies:

Bore & Deep Well Inspection Camera ₹200000.00
AER-I11-D10-BSC-2C63 ₹300000.00

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