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Q. Is activated carbon expensive?

A.Activated carbon is made from things that are high in carbon, like coconut shells, wood, coal, fruit pulp, bamboo, and yard waste. These things are useful because they have carbon in them. They can also be used to make a building with lots of holes and a lot of space. The process of making activated carbon significantly influences its quality and effectiveness. Activated carbon made from coconut shells is common because it lasts a long time, does not make a lot of dust, and has a lot of bitsy holes that let it filter both air and water. Wood gives off very clean carbon, has a lot of surface area, and doesn't stick to anything else. It cleans the water and air well because of this. Carbon activated from coal rocks is used to clean gas and break down trash, among other things. It needs to soak up a lot of stuff. Tiny amounts of zinc chloride or steam are used in the air to make something work.

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Q. What is an activated carbon filter used for?

A. There are lots of places and times when activated ...

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Q. What is activated carbon made of?

A. High-carbon materials, such as coconut shells, woo...

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Q. What is the principle of activated carbon filter?

A. Adsorption is the secret of activated carbon defen...

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Q. What is the function of activated carbon?

A. Mainly serving as an adsorbent, activated carbon a...

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Q. Is activated carbon harmful to humans?

A. When used properly, most of the time activated car...

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