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Grow with Aajjo.com

We provide Free Seller Registration, using which you can list your products and generate Free B2B leads online.

Seller Registration aajjo.comSeller Registration

Company Name Registration aajjo.com
*Do not use Phone Number with prefixes such as 0 or +91(country code)
Seller Mobile aajjo.com
Seller Email aajjo.com
Seller Password aajjo.com
Seller Password aajjo.com
By clicking Submit, you agree to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

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Register as a Seller & Sell on AAJJO

We help B2B Businesses increase their online visibility and maximize their reach into their targeted audience.

Modern & Responsive Digital Store aajjo.co

Get Leads for Free with AAJJO.com
Register as a Seller and build your B2B business with AAJJO!

Leading B2B Platform aajjo.com

Free B2B leads
Our lead-generation process helps B2B businesses maximize their sales.

Modern & Responsive Digital Store aajjo.co

Make Business Easy by Selling on AAJJO
Get access to our seller panel after Free Seller Registration and make your business easy.

Modern & Responsive Digital Store aajjo.co

Free Seller Registration
Register as a Seller, because it’s completely free.

100% Verified Sellers aajjo.com
Authentic and Verified Customers

As a Lead Company, we maintain the authenticity of our B2B Marketplace, and offer easy to convert Free b2b leads.

Get Leads for Free
Modern & Responsive Digital Store aajjo.co
Effective Brand

We use advanced methods to promote B2B Business and make the Lead Generation Process easy and convenient.

Register as a Seller
Download Our App aajjo.com
Easy Access with Mobile App

Our app interface makes the process of Free Seller Registration simple and helps you manage your account from anywhere.

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iOS Android

Know AAJJO.com

AAJJO.com is a B2B Marketplace and an integral part of AAJJO Business Solutions Private Limited. With years of experience, we are providing growth opportunities to thousands of B2B Businesses.
Our Free Seller Registration and Lead Generation Process make us unique in the business. Our advanced technology and experienced team members, help us to serve businesses with best-class services and our website’s easy interface makes selling on AAJJO simple and profitable.

Get Free Leads by Registering as a Seller on AAJJO and also enjoy features, like:

  • Free B2B Leads
  • Dedicated Online Store
  • Call Enquiries.
  • Unlimited Product Listing
  • Cart / Wishlist Data
  • Customer Queries
  • Brand Promotions
  • Organic Traffic
  • Connect Buyers Directly

Packages We Offer !

AAJJO.com provides various packages, enrolling which you can utilize several B2B Business building services that ensure your growth.

Free Trial

  • Instant Leads on Products
  • CRM
  • Unlimited Product Listings
  • Buy Leads
  • Sub domain / Domain
  • Video
  • Call Enquiries
  • Category Based Limitation
  • SEO optimised website / sub-domain
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Support Assistance
  • Aajjo Certificate
Start Now


  • Instant Leads on Products
  • CRM
  • Unlimited Product Listings
  • 15 Buy Leads (Per Week Max)
  • Sub Domain (with Annual Package) e.g. - sub-domain.aajjo.com
  • 1 Video
  • Call Enquiries on Request
  • Category Based Limitation: 10
  • SEO optimised website / sub-domain
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Support Assistance
  • Aajjo Certificate (with Annual Package)
Buy Now

Star Performer

  • Instant Leads on Products
  • CRM
  • Unlimited Product Listings
  • 27 Buy Leads (Per Week Max)
  • 1 Domain (with Annual Package)
    (extension .in, .com, .co.in, .com.in)
  • 2 Videos
  • Call Enquiries on Request
  • Category Based Limitation: 20
  • SEO optimised website / sub-domain
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Support Assistance
  • Aajjo Certificate (with Annual Package)
Buy Now

Gold Certified

  • Instant Leads on Products
  • CRM
  • Unlimited Product Listings
  • 50 Buy Leads (Per Week Max)
  • Domain (with Annual Package)
    (extension .in, .com, .co.in, .com.in)
  • 3 Videos
  • Call Enquiries on Request
  • Category Based Limitation: 30
  • SEO optimised website / sub-domain
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Support Assistance
  • Aajjo Certificate (with Annual Package)
  • API (To Integrate with other CRMs)
  • Cart/Wishlist
Contact Sales


  • Instant Leads on Products
  • CRM
  • Unlimited Product Listings
  • 70 Buy Leads (Per Week Max)
  • Domain (with At least 6 Months Package)
    (extension .in, .com, .co.in, .com.in)
  • 4 Videos
  • Call Enquiries on Request
  • Category Based Limitation: 40
  • SEO optimised website / sub-domain
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Support Assistance
  • Aajjo Certificate (with Annual Package)
  • API (To Integrate with other CRMs)
  • Cart/Wishlist
  • 3 Blog Posts Write-up (Published on blog.aajjo.com)
  • Higher Positions

Industry Leader

  • Instant Leads on Products
  • CRM
  • Unlimited Product Listings
  • 90 Buy Leads (Per Week Max)
  • Domain (with At least 6 Months Package)
    (extension .in, .com, .co.in, .com.in)
  • 5 Videos
  • Call Enquiries on Request
  • Category Based No Limitation
  • SEO optimised website / sub-domain
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Support Assistance
  • Aajjo Certificate (with Annual Package)
  • API (To Integrate with other CRMs)
  • Cart/Wishlist
  • 5 Blog Posts Write-up (Published on blog.aajjo.com)
  • Top Positions
  • Brand Name

Enterprise Solution

  • Introducing Enterprise Solution, an exceptional package meticulously designed to cater to businesses of varying scales, including SMEs, MSMEs, and Large Industries. This comprehensive suite encompasses a myriad of essential specifications, facilitating seamless establishment and growth within your industry.

  • At the heart of Enterprise Solution lies our commitment to fostering brand awareness and maximizing outreach to your target audience. Whether your products are in the developmental phase or poised for launch, our strategic initiatives are tailored to generate buzz, carve out market space, and orchestrate a resounding debut for your offerings.

  • Don't miss out on the transformative potential of Enterprise Solution. Contact our team of seasoned experts today to embark on a journey towards unparalleled growth and prosperity. Let us be your trusted partner in realizing your business goals and aspirations.

More Details

Commonly Asked Questions

Check out these FAQs that make your business-building journey easy.

Is AAJJO Seller Registration Free?

Yes, AAJJO provides Free Seller Registration services and doesn’t charge anything for that.

What is AAJJO’s Lead Generation Process?

We are a trusted B2B marketplace for millions of buyers, who trust us to find quality deals from sellers.

Does AAJJO provide Free B2B Leads?

Yes, you can get leads for free after registering your business on AAJJO’s B2B Marketplace.

Does AAJJO provide any Free Trial to B2B Businesses?

Yes, AAJJO.com provides a 15-day Free trial, where you can enjoy several advanced features for free.

What is the process of AAJJO Seller Registration?

Just visit www.aajjo.com/seller/registration, fill in all the required details, and click on the "Register Now" button. After successful verification, via email or OTP, you can complete the registration. You can enjoy your services, using the email address and password you provided during registration to log in at www.aajjo.com/seller/login.

What are the advantages of purchasing a membership plan?

As a member of AAJJO through the purchase of a membership plan, you now enjoy priority status. This grants you access to a range of advanced features based on your subscription level, including strategic techniques to boost your sales and business.
Additionally, you gain access to an array of opportunities such as a dedicated store page, promotional content, Google shopping tab listing, product promotional banners, premium business leads, and much more.

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