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Thermal Shock Chambers

A Thermal Shock Chamber is a testing equipment used in various industries to create or simulate the effects of sudden temperature changes on materials, components, and products. These chambers are used to find the impact of sudden temperature changes on products. It usually has two or more compartments, each having its own heating and cooling system. These shock-testing chambers are essential for assessing the reliability, durability, and vulnerability of different products. Due to its effective capabilities, these chambers are used in aerospace, automotive, electronics, and military industries.


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Thermal Shock Chamber
Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: Thermal Shock Chamber, Mild Steel, 1000 Ltr., 50-60 Hz

Axisco Corporation, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Liquid To Liquid Thermal Shock Chamber
Liquid To Liquid Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: Hot bath +70 deg C to +200 deg C

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V
PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V


Spec: Thermal Shock Chamber, PCRC, S.S-304, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Triple Thermal Shock Chamber
Triple Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: 50 Hz, Stainless Steel, 230 V

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

Thermal Shock Chamber
Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: Thermal Shock Chamber, Mild Steel, 1000 Ltr., 50-60 Hz

Axisco Corporation, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Liquid To Liquid Thermal Shock Chamber
Liquid To Liquid Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: Hot bath +70 deg C to +200 deg C

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V
PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V


Spec: Thermal Shock Chamber, PCRC, S.S-304, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Triple Thermal Shock Chamber
Triple Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: 50 Hz, Stainless Steel, 230 V

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

Thermal Shock Chamber
Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: Thermal Shock Chamber, Mild Steel, 1000 Ltr., 50-60 Hz

Axisco Corporation, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Liquid To Liquid Thermal Shock Chamber
Liquid To Liquid Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: Hot bath +70 deg C to +200 deg C

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V
PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V


Spec: Thermal Shock Chamber, PCRC, S.S-304, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Triple Thermal Shock Chamber
Triple Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: 50 Hz, Stainless Steel, 230 V

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

Thermal Shock Chamber
Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: Thermal Shock Chamber, Mild Steel, 1000 Ltr., 50-60 Hz

Axisco Corporation, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Liquid To Liquid Thermal Shock Chamber
Liquid To Liquid Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: Hot bath +70 deg C to +200 deg C

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V
PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V


Spec: Thermal Shock Chamber, PCRC, S.S-304, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Triple Thermal Shock Chamber
Triple Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: 50 Hz, Stainless Steel, 230 V

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

Triple Thermal Shock Chamber
Triple Thermal Shock Chamber


Spec: 50 Hz, Stainless Steel, 230 V

WEIBER, Sonipat, Haryana

Questions For Thermal Shock Chambers

What are the related categories of the Thermal Shock Chambers?

The following Thermal Shock Chambers consists of a range of various types of categories. Having a unique specification and usability, these categories are familiarized with efficacy and structural advancement. With a suitable and oriented work process, the related categories come under the same Thermal Shock Chambers are:

  1. Fisher Clamp
  2. Surgical Gloves
  3. Surgical Cap
  4. Heating Mantle
  5. Water Distillation

Does AAJJO is the best platform to buy Thermal Shock Chambers?

Yes, AAJJO is the perfect place to buy the Thermal Shock Chambers because we are a platform having a dexterous knowledge about the advancement of the products and also have a range of highly acknowledged manufacturers, sellers, suppliers, and distributors of Thermal Shock Chambers, working dedicatedly to deliver the best and most optimized services.
With a helpful structure of work mechanism, we are focused on obtaining the best and most familiar environment for purchasing quality Thermal Shock Chambers in India.

How to get the detailed specification of the Thermal Shock Chambers products?

To get a brief on the specification of the Thermal Shock Chambers, please click on the listed products along with the particular product listing at the Aajjo site. Here you can access all the brief specifications in a standard order. Furthermore, if you want to know the Thermal Shock Chambers, please click the “request callback” button on the product page, and fill up the quotation form pop-up on your screen. After that, Thermal Shock Chambers sellers or manufacturers will revert you with your queries and clarify all your doubts to make your purchase easy and feasible.

How to order the Thermal Shock Chambers in my city?

To order a Thermal Shock Chambers, one has to click on the product one is willing to buy. On the product page, a specific button is mentioned on the Thermal Shock Chambers detail page called “Request callback”. After clicking the button, a pop-up window with a form named “Ask the seller” will open. Just fill up your contact details, name, and order details about Thermal Shock Chambers and submit the form or you can call the sellers, allotted to you, according to your requirements on the screen.

What types of products come under the Thermal Shock Chambers category?

A range of products comes under the category of Thermal Shock Chambers. The Thermal Shock Chambers is known for its quality usability; thus, all the products follow the same work mechanism or play a vital role in its usability. So, a list of products arranged in the Thermal Shock Chambers category is as follows:

  1. Thermal Shock Chamber
  2. Triple Thermal Shock Chamber
  3. PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V
  4. 0.75M Thermal Vacuum Chamber

Where to buy Thermal Shock Chambers products online?

A range of quality sellers deals in the Thermal Shock Chambers online in India. But, if you are seeking a trustful platform, we at AAJJO are one of the most preferable. We provide a range of various sellers for a particular Thermal Shock Chambers product, and hence, ease users to find the most feasible deal according to their requirements. Also, we are a client-centric organization; thus, all provided deals on Thermal Shock Chambers are the best in the market and completely authentic.

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Top Manufacturer / Seller / Suppliers / Importers of Thermal Shock Chambers

Various manufacturers/sellers/suppliers/importers of the Thermal Shock Chambers are available in India. Some of the leading ones are mentioned below:

Price List of Thermal Shock Chambers in India

The price range of the Thermal Shock Chambers may vary according to the brands, specifications, accessories, and modifications. But, a range of prices offered by the top brands is mentioned in the table:

Thermal Shock Chamber ₹2200000.00
Triple Thermal Shock Chamber ₹585000.00
PCRC,S.S-304 Thermal Shock Chamber, 220V ₹225000.00
0.75M Thermal Vacuum Chamber ₹225000.00

What is a Thermal Shock Chamber?

A Thermal Shock Chamber is a sophisticated testing apparatus designed to evaluate the resilience and durability of materials when exposed to rapid and severe temperature changes. This equipment is instrumental in simulating real-world conditions, providing a controlled environment to assess the impact of thermal stress on a diverse range of materials, components, and electronic devices. The essence of a thermal shock chamber lies in its ability to subject specimens to abrupt temperature transitions, simulating the extreme thermal conditions that materials may encounter during their operational lifespan.

Specific Features of Thermal Shock Chambers:

  1. Dual or Triple Compartment Design : these chambers are characterized by their dual or triple compartment design, with each compartment being independently controlled. This sophisticated design is essential for executing precise and controlled temperature transitions, replicating the rapid changes experienced by materials in various environments. The ability to regulate each compartment individually adds a layer of flexibility to the testing process, catering to the specific requirements of different industries and applications.
  2. High-Performance Heating and Cooling Systems: At the heart of chambers are cutting-edge heating elements and advanced cooling systems. These components work in harmony to achieve rapid and accurate temperature changes within the designated range. The integration of high-performance systems ensures that the testing environment accurately reflects the extreme conditions materials might face, allowing engineers to assess their performance under realistic scenarios.
  3. Programmable Controllers: The inclusion of programmable controllers enhances the versatility of these chambers. Engineers can tailor test parameters to meet industry standards and specific product requirements. This programmability is crucial for replicating the diverse thermal conditions materials may experience, ensuring that the testing process aligns with the intended application of the materials or components under examination.
  4. Uniform Airflow Distribution: Achieving homogenous temperature distribution is paramount in ensuring accurate and reliable testing results. these shock chambers are meticulously designed to promote uniform airflow throughout the compartments. This design feature minimizes the risk of localized stress on materials, providing a comprehensive evaluation of their performance under varying temperature conditions.
  5. Data Logging and Analysis: The integration of sophisticated data logging and analysis systems elevates the capabilities of these chambers. Real-time monitoring of test conditions allows engineers to track and analyze temperature variations with precision. This data-driven approach provides valuable insights into the behavior of materials during the testing process, aiding in the identification of potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

Major Types of Thermal Shock Chambers:

  1. Vertical Chambers: Vertical chambers employ a transfer mechanism suitable for testing components with a vertical orientation. Industries such as electronics manufacturing, where the orientation of components is crucial, benefit from the specialized design of these chambers. The vertical transfer mechanism ensures that testing accurately reflects the conditions experienced by vertically oriented materials.
  2. Horizontal Chambers: Horizontal chambers feature a transfer mechanism adaptable to a wide range of specimen orientations. This versatility makes them suitable for industries such as automotive and aerospace, where products may have varied orientations. The ability to accommodate different configurations enhances the applicability of these chambers across diverse sectors.
  3. Vibration-Integrated Chambers : Advanced chambers often incorporate vibration mechanisms, providing a holistic testing approach that simulates both temperature changes and mechanical stresses. This type of chamber is particularly relevant in industries where materials must withstand a combination of thermal and mechanical challenges. The integration of vibration testing ensures a more comprehensive evaluation of material performance.

Advantages of Implementing Thermal Shock Chambers:

  1. Reliability Assurance: The primary advantage of thermal shock testing lies in its ability to ensure the reliability of materials under extreme conditions. Early identification of potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities allows engineers to address issues during the development phase, minimizing the risk of unexpected failures in real-world applications.
  2. Cost-Efficiency: Thermal shock testing contributes to significant cost savings by detecting material flaws early in the product development cycle. Addressing issues during the design or prototype phase is more cost-effective than dealing with recalls or warranty claims after the product has been released.
  3. Compliance with Industry Standards: Industries operate within stringent standards and regulations governing product reliability and safety. Thermal shock testing facilitates compliance with these standards, ensuring that products meet the required benchmarks before entering the market. This adherence to industry standards is critical for building trust and credibility among consumers and stakeholders.
  4. Accelerated Product Development: Rapid exposure to extreme conditions accelerates product development cycles, a crucial factor in industries with fast-evolving technological landscapes. Thermal shock testing streamlines the development process, allowing for quicker time-to-market for innovative products.

Safety Protocols for Using Shock Chambers:

  1. Operator Training: The safe operation of these chambers necessitates thorough operator training. This includes comprehensive instruction on the equipment's features, safety procedures, and emergency protocols. Well-trained operators are essential for ensuring the accurate and secure execution of testing procedures.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Routine maintenance checks are imperative to guarantee the proper functioning of shock chambers. Regular inspections help identify and address potential issues, preventing equipment malfunctions and ensuring the safety of operators. A well-maintained system is essential for reliable and accurate testing results.
  3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Adherence to strict personal protective equipment (PPE) guidelines is paramount for operator safety. Protective eyewear and gloves are essential when handling specimens during the loading and unloading processes. Prioritizing operator safety not only safeguards personnel but also contributes to the overall integrity of the testing procedures.

Related Products on aajjo.com

In addition to thermal shock chambers, aajjo.com offers a diverse range of related products that complement the functionalities of these chambers, providing a comprehensive suite of industrial solutions. These include:

  1. Icepack Freezer: Icepack freezers play a vital role in preserving specimens before testing in chambers. These freezers ensure that materials are maintained at the required temperature before undergoing the rigorous testing process.
  2. Infrared Thermometer: Infrared thermometers offer non-contact and precise temperature measurements during thermal shock testing. This product enhances the accuracy of temperature monitoring, providing valuable data for analysis.
  3. Contaminated Oil Test Kit: Essential for industries relying on hydraulic and lubricating oils, contaminated oil test kits aid in detecting impurities. Maintaining oil quality is critical for equipment performance, making these test kits a valuable asset in industrial settings.
  4. Centrifuge Machine: Centrifuge machines on aajjo.com are instrumental in separating materials based on density. Industries requiring precision separation benefit from the capabilities of centrifuge machines, ensuring optimal material performance.
  5. Bacteriological Incubator: Bacteriological incubators provide controlled environments for microbiological testing. These incubators are crucial in industries where the cultivation of microorganisms is essential, ensuring the reliability of testing procedures.
  6. Double Distillation Unit: Double distillation units are indispensable for producing high-purity water. Laboratories and industries requiring ultra-pure water for various applications find these units essential for maintaining the integrity of testing processes.

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