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Water Bath Shaker

Water Bath Shaker is a laboratory equipment widely used for mixing, shaking, and heating liquids for various scientific applications. It combines the functions of a water bath and a shaker, making it a versatile thing for tasks such as culturing cells, molecular biology experiments, bacterial suspensions, and other biological or chemical reactions. These shakers offer a convenient and efficient way to carry out multiple processes simultaneously while maintaining necessary environmental conditions for the samples.


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Water bath Shaker
Water bath Shaker


Spec: 36 L, 230, 30 kg, 999 min

Uma Pharmatech Machinery, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, Semi-Automatic

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V


Spec: CLT/WBS-26, M.S, Automatic, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Made in India

FORTUNA TECHNOLOGY, Nashik, Maharashtra

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, 240 V, Made in India


Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Water bath Shaker
Water bath Shaker


Spec: 36 L, 230, 30 kg, 999 min

Uma Pharmatech Machinery, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, Semi-Automatic

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V


Spec: CLT/WBS-26, M.S, Automatic, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Made in India

FORTUNA TECHNOLOGY, Nashik, Maharashtra

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, 240 V, Made in India


Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Water bath Shaker
Water bath Shaker


Spec: 36 L, 230, 30 kg, 999 min

Uma Pharmatech Machinery, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, Semi-Automatic

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V


Spec: CLT/WBS-26, M.S, Automatic, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Made in India

FORTUNA TECHNOLOGY, Nashik, Maharashtra

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, 240 V, Made in India


Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Water bath Shaker
Water bath Shaker


Spec: 36 L, 230, 30 kg, 999 min

Uma Pharmatech Machinery, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, Semi-Automatic

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V


Spec: CLT/WBS-26, M.S, Automatic, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Made in India

FORTUNA TECHNOLOGY, Nashik, Maharashtra

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, 240 V, Made in India


Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Water bath Shaker
Water bath Shaker


Spec: 36 L, 230, 30 kg, 999 min

Uma Pharmatech Machinery, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, Semi-Automatic

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V


Spec: CLT/WBS-26, M.S, Automatic, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Made in India

FORTUNA TECHNOLOGY, Nashik, Maharashtra

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, 240 V, Made in India


Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Water bath Shaker
Water bath Shaker


Spec: 36 L, 230, 30 kg, 999 min

Uma Pharmatech Machinery, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, Semi-Automatic

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V


Spec: CLT/WBS-26, M.S, Automatic, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Made in India

FORTUNA TECHNOLOGY, Nashik, Maharashtra

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, 240 V, Made in India


Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Water bath Shaker
Water bath Shaker


Spec: 36 L, 230, 30 kg, 999 min

Uma Pharmatech Machinery, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, Semi-Automatic

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V


Spec: CLT/WBS-26, M.S, Automatic, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Made in India

FORTUNA TECHNOLOGY, Nashik, Maharashtra

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, 240 V, Made in India


Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Water bath Shaker
Water bath Shaker


Spec: 36 L, 230, 30 kg, 999 min

Uma Pharmatech Machinery, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, Semi-Automatic

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V


Spec: CLT/WBS-26, M.S, Automatic, 220V

Carelab Technology, Delhi

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Made in India

FORTUNA TECHNOLOGY, Nashik, Maharashtra

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker


Spec: Stainless Steel, 240 V, Made in India


Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath
Labsol Stainless Steel Metabolic Shaker Bath


Spec: Stainless Steel, Electric, Digital

Labsol Enterprises, Gurugram, Haryana

Water Bath Shaker
Water Bath Shaker


Spec: 230 VAC, 100 RPM, Digital Display


Questions For Water Bath Shaker

What are the related categories of the Water Bath Shaker?

The following Water Bath Shaker consists of a range of various types of categories. Having a unique specification and usability, these categories are familiarized with efficacy and structural advancement. With a suitable and oriented work process, the related categories come under the same Water Bath Shaker are:

  1. Fisher Clamp
  2. Surgical Gloves
  3. Surgical Cap
  4. Heating Mantle
  5. Water Distillation

Does AAJJO is the best platform to buy Water Bath Shaker?

Yes, AAJJO is the perfect place to buy the Water Bath Shaker because we are a platform having a dexterous knowledge about the advancement of the products and also have a range of highly acknowledged manufacturers, sellers, suppliers, and distributors of Water Bath Shaker, working dedicatedly to deliver the best and most optimized services.
With a helpful structure of work mechanism, we are focused on obtaining the best and most familiar environment for purchasing quality Water Bath Shaker in India.

How to get the detailed specification of the Water Bath Shaker products?

To get a brief on the specification of the Water Bath Shaker, please click on the listed products along with the particular product listing at the Aajjo site. Here you can access all the brief specifications in a standard order. Furthermore, if you want to know the Water Bath Shaker, please click the “request callback” button on the product page, and fill up the quotation form pop-up on your screen. After that, Water Bath Shaker sellers or manufacturers will revert you with your queries and clarify all your doubts to make your purchase easy and feasible.

How to order the Water Bath Shaker in my city?

To order a Water Bath Shaker, one has to click on the product one is willing to buy. On the product page, a specific button is mentioned on the Water Bath Shaker detail page called “Request callback”. After clicking the button, a pop-up window with a form named “Ask the seller” will open. Just fill up your contact details, name, and order details about Water Bath Shaker and submit the form or you can call the sellers, allotted to you, according to your requirements on the screen.

What types of products come under the Water Bath Shaker category?

A range of products comes under the category of Water Bath Shaker. The Water Bath Shaker is known for its quality usability; thus, all the products follow the same work mechanism or play a vital role in its usability. So, a list of products arranged in the Water Bath Shaker category is as follows:

  1. Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker
  2. Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker
  3. Water bath Shaker
  4. Water Bath Shaker
  5. Water Bath Shaker

Where to buy Water Bath Shaker products online?

A range of quality sellers deals in the Water Bath Shaker online in India. But, if you are seeking a trustful platform, we at AAJJO are one of the most preferable. We provide a range of various sellers for a particular Water Bath Shaker product, and hence, ease users to find the most feasible deal according to their requirements. Also, we are a client-centric organization; thus, all provided deals on Water Bath Shaker are the best in the market and completely authentic.

Featured Chart

Top Manufacturer / Seller / Suppliers / Importers of Water Bath Shaker

Various manufacturers/sellers/suppliers/importers of the Water Bath Shaker are available in India. Some of the leading ones are mentioned below:

Price List of Water Bath Shaker in India

The price range of the Water Bath Shaker may vary according to the brands, specifications, accessories, and modifications. But, a range of prices offered by the top brands is mentioned in the table:

Medlab Laboratory Water Bath Shaker ₹53000.00
Stainless Steel Water Bath Shaker ₹22000.00
Water bath Shaker ₹170000.00
Water Bath Shaker ₹40000.00
Water Bath Shaker ₹85000.00
Aarson Electric Water Bath Shaker, 120 - 240 V, Model: RSE-470E ₹52500.00
Weiber Metabolic Shaker ₹92000.00
Automatic M.S,SS Orbital Water Bath Shaker, 220V ₹48000.00

What is a Water Bath Shaker?

A water bath shaker, a cutting-edge laboratory instrument, ingeniously combines the functions of a water bath and a shaker. This hybrid marvel serves as a linchpin in scientific research, delivering precise temperature control and simultaneous sample agitation.

These devices operate by utilizing water as a medium to maintain a stable and uniform temperature. This is paramount for various applications, including bacterial cultures, enzyme reactions, and molecular biology studies. The shaking mechanism, a pivotal component of the equipment, offers adjustable agitation levels, catering to different sample types and sizes.

Features of offered by water bath equipped Shakers:

  1. Temperature Control: The cornerstone feature of this machine lies in its ability to uphold a consistent temperature. By employing water as a medium, these instruments create an optimal environment for a spectrum of scientific applications.
  2. Shaking Mechanism: A distinguishing feature of these shakers is the customizable shaking mechanism. This allows researchers to tailor the level of agitation, ranging from gentle to vigorous, accommodating a diverse array of samples.
  3. Digital Interface: Modern iterations of water bath-equipped shakers boast user-friendly digital interfaces. These interfaces empower researchers to precisely control temperature, shaking speed, and duration, fostering enhanced experiment reproducibility.
  4. Safety Features and Construction: Safety is paramount in laboratory settings. These devices are equipped with features such as over-temperature protection and robust construction, often utilizing materials like stainless steel for durability and easy cleaning.
  5. Versatility: Designed with versatility in mind, they can accommodate a myriad of sample types and sizes. Adjustable platforms or trays provide flexibility, making them suitable for different scientific disciplines and experimental setups.
  6. Automated Controls: Some advanced models come with automated controls, further streamlining experimental processes. These controls may include pre-set programs for common experiments, adding a layer of convenience for researchers.
  7. Data Logging: Modern shakers often come equipped with data logging capabilities, allowing researchers to track and analyze temperature and shaking parameters over the course of an experiment.

Applications in lab environment

Water bath shakers find widespread applications across various scientific disciplines:

  1. Microbiology: In microbiology, water bath-based shakers are instrumental for bacterial culture growth, yeast cultivation, and other applications where maintaining a constant and controlled temperature is paramount for success.
  2. Molecular Biology: they play a pivotal role in DNA and RNA extraction, as well as PCR reactions, providing a stable temperature environment for accurate and reproducible results in molecular biology experiments.
  3. Enzyme Reactions: The controlled temperature and agitation capabilities of these shakers are pivotal in enzyme kinetics studies and other enzymatic reactions, optimizing conditions for maximum efficiency.
  4. Cell Culture: Maintaining optimal conditions for cell culture is vital for cell viability and growth. Water bath-based shakers are used in cell biology research for tasks such as cell proliferation studies, cell line development, and drug screening assays.
  5. Chemical Reactions: In chemical laboratories, these shakers are integral to various chemical reactions requiring controlled temperature and mixing. These reactions may include synthesis, catalysis, and other processes where precise conditions are critical.
  6. Pharmaceutical Research: Pharmaceutical research benefits from water bath-based shakers in tasks such as drug dissolution testing, formulation development, and stability testing, ensuring reliable and reproducible results.

Benefits of introducing Water Bath based Shakers:

  1. Time Efficiency: The integration of a water bath and a shaker streamlines experimental processes, saving valuable research time. Simultaneous temperature control and agitation reduce the need for multiple instruments and manual interventions.
  2. Precision and Reproducibility: Digital controls and stable temperature conditions contribute to the precision and reproducibility of experimental results. Researchers can confidently replicate conditions for consistent outcomes.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Investing in this machine can be cost-effective compared to purchasing separate water baths and shakers. This integrated solution not only saves money but also conserves valuable laboratory bench space.
  4. User-Friendly Operation: The intuitive digital interfaces make this device user-friendly. Researchers can easily program and monitor experiments, reducing the learning curve for operating the equipment.
  5. Diverse Sample Compatibility: The versatility of these shakers allows researchers to work with a wide range of sample types and sizes. This flexibility is especially valuable in laboratories where experiments may vary in scale and scope.
  6. Energy Efficiency: Some models incorporate energy-efficient features, such as rapid heating and cooling cycles, minimizing energy consumption, and contributing to sustainable laboratory practices.
  7. Remote Monitoring: Advanced equipment like water bath-based shakers may offer remote monitoring capabilities, allowing researchers to oversee experiments and adjust parameters from a distance, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.

Exploring Aajjo.com for Laboratory Equipment:

Aajjo.com stands as a comprehensive platform, offering a range of laboratory equipment to meet diverse research requirements. Notable among the offerings are related products, each tailored to specific research needs:

  1. Weiber Metabolic Shaker: Explore this specialized shaker designed for metabolic studies, providing controlled conditions for optimum results.
  2. Water Bath Incubator Shaker: Combining the functions of a water bath, incubator, and shaker, this product offers a comprehensive solution for biological and biochemical applications.
  3. Incubator Shaker Water Bath: Integrating incubation and shaking functions within a water bath, this product is suitable for cell culture, microbial growth, and applications requiring controlled temperature and agitation.
  4. Stainless Steel Automatic Water Bath: Aajjo.com offers a Stainless Steel Automatic Water Bath, ensuring durability and resistance to corrosion. This product is designed for precise temperature control and is suitable for a range of laboratory applications.
  5. Electric Water Bath Shaker: Explore this product for efficient sample mixing with adjustable shaking speed and temperature control. It combines the benefits of a water bath and a shaker for enhanced versatility in laboratory experiments.

Each product on Aajjo.com comes with detailed specifications, providing researchers with the information needed to make informed decisions based on their specific laboratory requirements. Visit Aajjo.com to explore these products and elevate your laboratory capabilities. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Aajjo.com empowers researchers to access cutting-edge equipment for groundbreaking scientific endeavors.

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