The Growth of a Country is not possible to be sustained without the growth of its manufacturing sector. World's most powerful economies demonstrates strength of their manufacturing capabilities in order to have strong say in world affairs. Since last few years, our country is also trying to focus more on manufacturing and logistics sectors with government pushing it by offering incentives schemes like PLI.
As we move towards building bigger factories and larger warehouses or sheds, it is becoming more practical and logical to go for mechanized cleaning systems for cleaning these large areas faster and effectively.
If we compare manual cleaning methods with mechanized cleaning systems, then for a small office, manual cleaning still have significance but for large areas, cleaning machines have a clear advantage over manual cleaning.
Few of the advantages these machines have, are better quality of cleaning, consistent quality of Cleaning, covering thousands of square meters of area in very less time, enhanced and improved cleaning results as these machines are faster and efficient.
When the construction of the factory nears its final stages and setting up of production machinery goes on, cleaning becomes very important and difficult, as systems for controlling the external dust are not in place and there is continuous inward movement of dust in the plant. Concerned departments like HR or Admin, also remains in overtime mode to keep the plant clean and safe.
We, at Kruger Vac, are part of 21 years old company, offering industrial mechanized cleaning solutions to the market. For New Factory floors, When there is lot of dust and debris needed to be cleaned, we should use a ride-on sweeping machine (Kruger KV1600) for pre sweeping of the voluminous debris and dust. Then we should use a Ride-on Scrubber dryer (Kruger KV130) on floors again which does wet cleaning and drying of floors to remove last traces of dust and dirt on floors making factory ready for production. These machines further plays an important role in keeping the plant clean and safe on a regular basis.
A combination of a sweeping machine and scrubber dryer does the job 10X faster. Lets understand this by an example, We have a factory shed which is 200 mtrs long and 100 mtrs wide, so area comes out to be 20,000 sq. mtrs or 2,00,000 sq. ft
For cleaning 20,000 Sq. mtrs of floor area, for pre-sweeping :
If we use Kruger KV 1600 Sweeper, which sweeps approx. 10,000 sq. mtrs per hour, then it can clean the area in 2 to 2.5 hours approx.
After that, if we use Kruger KV130 Scrubber Dryer which cleans 6500 sq. mtrs per hour, for Wet Cleaning of the same floor area, it can clean the area in 3 to 4 hours.
So in 3 to 4 hours, we have 20,000 sq. mtrs of clean and dry floor area, for which, if we do it manually, we may require minimum 40 to 60 man hours.
And Then, we have bigger and larger machine models which does the job much faster and more efficiently.
For more information on the topic or for assessment of your application for suitable solutions, kindly write to us at info@krugervac.com