GST : 27ARUPP3866G1Z1
Working in the industry since 2010, Pharmachem Cosmetics Industries is a reputed manufacturer and seller of Coating Pan Machines, Vibro Sifters, Hot Air Tray dryers, and Gel Manufacturing Vessels. We are acknowledged in the industry for serving top-class product ranges at affordable pricing. Our work procedure is dignified with a top range of automated machinery that makes us capable of delivering promising equipment to our clients.
Situated in Mumbai, India, our headquarters is equipped with some of the world’s top-notch machinery that makes our products stand out in the crowd. Our products especially the Ointment Contra Rotary Mixer, Hot Air Tray Dryer, Ointment Manufacturing Plant, and Vacuum Tray Dryer have gained recognition in the industry. We are working tirelessly in the industry to serve our clients with services that not only uplift industrial standards but also help our customers with their desired results.
Our vast infrastructure is departmentalized into several assembling units that help us expand our production. We deliver several world-class products, especially Super-Heated Water Spray Sterilizers, Vibro Sifters, Vacuum Paddle Dryer, Automatic Liquid Oral Manufacturing Plant, Rapid Mixture Granulator, Fluid Bed Processor, IPC Bin Blenders, etc. Facilitating our clients with the best always, we make sure our products raise the standardization bar high and deliver brilliant results.

Sole Proprietorship

Manufacturing, Suppliers




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