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Q. Are oven pizzas unhealthy?

A.A slice of oven pizza affects health in negative ways, especially frozen pizzas or fast-food options. Most frozen pizzas pack high amounts of calories, bad fats or sodium. One serving contains about 380 calories next to large amounts of sodium - this leads to blood pressure problems or heart disease. Fast-food pizzas add more calories along with harmful ingredients such as preservatives or artificial additives that risk your health. The quality of pizzas differs a lot. Fresh pizzas made at local pizzerias offer better choices when made with good items like whole wheat flour, fresh vegetables as well as low-fat cheese. These selections give needed nutrients without too many calories. Smart topping picks matter most because extra cheese or processed meats add many calories. Pizza does not hurt if eaten sometimes but too much of the wrong type leads to extra weight or lasting health problems. The best approach combines fewer servings with good ingredients.

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